Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pay To Click Program


Most of you must have heard about the hype people are making money from the internet. Well, i've tried some of them, so i would like to keep you guys and gals out there on the progress. The first one is a list of PTC(Pay To Click) sites that i've joined and the amount of money make so far. I'll keep on posting to see if they will really pay me when i've reached the minimum amount. So any of you want to try it out, you can just click on the banner below.


Each Click they paid me $0.02 (2 cents).
Minimum payout income : $15
No of days i clicked : 20 days (Not including those days that i missed)
My Recorded Income : $9.20
Payment Merchant : Paypal and Aler
My Status : Standard Member (Free)
Referral : None (i have not referred anyone yet. Well if you clicked on the banner or link and decide to sign up for free then i suppose i will get some referral.)

Each Click they pay $0.01 (1 cents).
Minimum payout income : $5.00
No of days i clicked : 18 days (Not including those days that i missed)
My Recorded Income : $2.
Payment Merchant :
My Status : Standard Member (Free)
Referral : None (i have not referred anyone yet. )

3. Massive-PTC

Each Click they pay $0.01 (1 cents).
Minimum payout income : $10.00 ($2 can only be used to buy ads)
No of days i clicked : 18 days (Not including those days that i missed)
My Recorded Income : $2.37
Payment Merchant :AlertPay
My Status : Standard Member (Free)
Referral : None (i have not referred anyone yet.)

4. Hafelebux

Each Click they pay $0.01 (1 cents).
Minimum payout income : $2.99
No of days i clicked : 19 days (Not including those days that i missed)
My Recorded Income : $1.13

Payment Merchant :AlertPay
My Status : Standard Member (Free)
Referral : None (i have not referred anyone yet.)


Each Click they pay $0.01 (1 cents).
Minimum payout income : $10.00
No of days i clicked : 18 days (Not including those days that i missed)
My Recorded Income : $1.63
Payment Merchant :AlertPay
My Status : Standard Member (Free)
Referral : None (i have not referred anyone yet.)

6. Mainbux

Each Click they pay $0.01 (1 cents).
Minimum payout income : $6.99
No of days i clicked : 19 days (Not including those days that i missed)
My Recorded Income : $1.41
Payment Merchant :AlertPay
My Status : Standard Member (Free)
Referral : None (i have not referred anyone yet.)


Each Click they pay $0.01 (1 cents).
Minimum payout income : $5.00
No of days i clicked : 15 days (Not including those days that i missed)
My Recorded Income : $0.64
Payment Merchant :AlertPay
My Status : Standard Member (Free)
Referral : None (i have not referred anyone yet.)